How to prepare for being tattooed

Please allow enough time in your schedule to be tattooed.

Please do not book a tattoo just before you need to go to work, or if you’re in a rush, leave plenty of time for the whole tattoo process, sometimes your design might need to be altered or resized, this all takes time.

Tattoos shouldn’t ever be rushed.

If you’re unwell please reschedule your appointment as it’s never a good idea to have a tattoo when your unwell, a tattoo is an open wound and having a lowered immune system can compromise the healing of your tattoo, and your health. Poor health can increase your chances of infection.

This is because bacteria such as staphylococcus naturally live on the skin and don’t often cause problems, but when you have a cut, abrasion or tattoo this bacteria can potentially enter the body and cause and infection which your compromised immune system is unable to fight off.

If you have spots, ulcers or sores in the area you want to have tattooed please wait until they have completely cleared up before having your tattoo.

Sunburnt or peeling skin cannot be tattooed - so please wear spf 50 cream in the weeks leading up to your appointment.

I cannot tattoo over or near varicose veins so please bare this in mind.

Birth marks and moles cannot be tattooed over so please bare this in mind before having your tattoo.

All my inks and equipment are vegan and cruelty free.

Most scars can be tattooed over however they must be mature and well healed, ideally 4 + years old. If you decide to have a tattoo over a scar you do this at your own risk as scars can initially swell and distort when being tattooed - they won’t necessarily sit smoothly with the rest of the tattoo.

Im happy to tattoo over self harm scars - there is absolutely no judgement from myself or the studio but please be realistic about the results - some tattoos over scars may fade easily and need touch ups.

The night before your appointment please get a good nights sleep.

Please don’t drink alcohol or take illegal drugs 24 hours before you appointment.

Let me know about medication that can affect the tattoo process such as bleeding, bruising, blood thinners etc before your appointment. I get you to list all medication on your consent form. Some medications will require a drs note.

Please allow at least 6 months after any chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatments before getting tattooed. I will need you to provide a Drs note to show you can be tattooed safely after such treatments.

Please fully inform me of any access requirements you have so I can accommodate you to the best of my ability.

Please fully inform me before tattooing of any medical conditions and allergies as this is key to the tattooing process. I do my best to avoid allergens when tattooing but please mention specific allergies so I can double check the ingredients of the products I use.

If possible prepare your skin for your tattoo by exfoliating the area with a gentle scrub or clean loofah starting around 2 weeks before the appointment and moisturising the skin with a high quality moisturiser such as Cocoa Butter, this will improve the skin texture and help rough areas when being tattooed.

If shaving isn’t your thing please don’t worry, all clients skin is prepped, cleaned and shaved using disposable razors so shaving in advance isn’t necessary.

Ensure you eat a well balanced meal at least an hour before your appointment

Feel free to bring sugary drinks, sweets and snacks & lunch with you to your appointment.

Please bring cash or card to pay for the final balance owed for your appointment.

Please where possible don’t bring friends/family with you to your appointment our studio doesn’t really have space for them. There isn’t generally space for them to watch or sit with you whilst getting tattooed, I promise your really well looked after when getting tattooed, and having another person to worry about as they quickly get bored can make you worried, However carers are always welcome, so please feel free to bring them,

Budget for purchasing an aftercare product whether from the studio or another aftercare product that’s recommended.

Please wear comfortable clothing that can be easily moved or removed to allow clear and full access to the area that will be tattooed, you can always change when you get to the studio. I can advise you on clothing if your unsure, please make sure you bring layers of clothing to keep warm as sitting still and in pain can make you feel cold.

You may want to bring a pillow & blanket for your own comfort, for your back or head or thighs depending on the position you might be in.

You will be provided with nipple covers or modesty covers when tattooing an intimate area to help you be comfortable. Nipple covers are normally a shaped nipple sticker and you can apply those yourself in the toilet or I can do it for you.

I will do my absolute best to keep you covered up, warm and protected whilst tattooing, however I do work in a mixed sex studio and in a room with other artists and clients so if this is an issue I can schedule more private appointments when needed so please let me know if this is something you need, as I prefer you to be completely comfortable.

Please bring your photographic ID to your appointment.

Change bedding, towels at home and have clean clothing and fresh new kitchen towel and aftercare in preparation for the safe healing of your new tattoo.


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Clairy Floofs Tattoo

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